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Spectrum Physical Therapy

A proven partner for the physical therapy needs of special needs clients and agencies. 


Founded in 2013 to address the physical therapy needs of special needs clients, Spectrum Physical Therapy offers contract-based physical therapy assessment and treatment of patients in intermediate care facilities (ICFs). Our list of physical therapy services includes: mobility assessment, prevention, balance and gait training as well as staff training to improve a patient’s quality of life and ability to maintain independence.


Your Advocate and Care Team Partner


Our therapists are strong advocates for special needs patients because we understand the barriers that agencies and group homes face when attempting to take consumers into outpatient settings. The majority of physical therapy practices are limited with home modification interventions, transfer training with staff, and full assessment of mobility limitations and fall risk—simply because they are not observing the patient and caregiver in their home setting. We also realize that many special needs patients may require specific modifications or additional time.


Spectrum Physical Therapy can step in and be your long-term partner to treat special needs patients with focused, physical therapy interventions that can enhance their life and offer a long-term care plan that can be executed by your in home healthcare team.

Telehealth For Increased Access and Improvement in Mobility Related Outcomes


Spectrum Physical Therapy has great success working with agencies on a virtual basis, offering telehealth sessions with special needs patients on all matters of physical therapy that range from fall prevention to pain management. 


During virtual sessions, our clinicians will educate patients and their caregivers on the interventions and training needed to improve their current state and improve quality of life. The objective of this patient-centered program will be to empower and train caregivers by providing a professional therapist who will teach the activities and strategies needed. Through our HIPAA compliant two-way video conferencing platform, our therapists provide monitoring and evaluation to ensure a quality experience that allows patients to improve more efficiently.


This service is used for our Empower IDD program. Residential Directors and Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals greatly appreciate virtual sessions because home modification interventions, gait and transfer training, wheelchair assessments and fall risk management can be completed with the patient/consumer and caregiver in their home setting.



Empowerment Works


Spectrum Physical Therapy therapists are aware that people who have been injured on the job have an unique set of circumstances. Often, returning to work is a necessity for the person’s family. A physical therapist will develop a treatment plan that is specifically targeted for your circumstances and injury. Goals are set and your physical therapist will work with you to achieve these goals.





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